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Who we Are...

The Super League of Malawi (SULOM) re-established in 2003 is a legal entity and the only body recognised by the Football Association of Malawi (FAM) as the one to run and administer Super League (National) football in the Republic of Malawi. It is a membership based organisation whose affiliates are football clubs playing in the Super League herein referred to as the National League. SULOM is an affiliate of FAM. SULOM came into being at a time that the football sector in general and the Super League in particular were facing a massive downturn in standards at various levels. The game of football, which used to enjoy popular attention and enviable support from the corporate world was reduced to the ground as a result of maladministration both at club and regulatory levels; acts of violence at matches by fans, prevalence of disputes amongst clubs and players, players and officials and poor refereeing among others, culminating into general dissatisfaction and consequent withdrawal by well meaning sponsors.

The Super League is the highest league in Malawi where the country’s top football clubs compete for the uppermost honour in football. This is a Malawian equivalent of what is called Premier League in England, La Liga in Spain or Premier Soccer League (PSL) in South Africa.

The Management Team

Executive Members...

Col. Gilbert Mittawa


Ronald Chiwaula

Vice President

Wiliams Banda

General Secreatry

Allie Mwachande


Donnex Chilonga

Vice General Secretary

Solomon Gomezgani Mchawi

Legal Advisor

Akuzike Kafwamba

Executive Member

Chimwemwe Nyirenda

Executive Member

Henry Henz Banda

Executive Member

William Nhlane

Executive Member

The Mission

League Structure

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