At its meeting held on 7 June 2024 at the Sunbird Lilongwe Hotel, the Executive Committee of the Super League of Malawi (SULOM) has among others, made the following resolutions:

Appointment of Vice President

Appointed Mr. Ronald Chiwaula as the Vice President of SULOM until the next Annual General Meeting. The position became vacant after the election of Colonel Gilbert Mittawa as the President of the league.

Review of Fixtures

To comprehensively review the 2024 Super League Fixture considering all concerns from all Clubs. The revised Fixture to be released by Friday 14th June 2024.

Appointment of Sub-Committees

Reviewed and approved the following subcommittees for 2024/25:

  1. Fixtures committee with inclusion of IT Experts and Statisticians, among others.
  2. Disciplinary Committee.
  3. Appeals Committee.
  4. Marketing and Commercialisation Committee.
  5. Strategic Planning and Development Committee.
  6. Safety and Security Committee.
  7. Constitutional Review (Ad hoc) Committee.
  8. Finance and Audit Committee.

Names of the members of the sub-committees will be announced upon finalisation of appointment and engagement letters.


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